ESP8266 WIFI NodeMCU Lua V3
ESP8266 WIFI NodeMCU Lua V3
ESP8266 NodeMCU V2
ESP8266 NodeMCU V2
2000W High Power Electronic Volt Regulator Speed Controller Motor AC 220V
2000W High Power Electronic Volt Regulator Speed Controller Motor AC 220V
4000W High Power Electronic Volt Regulator Speed Controller Motor AC 220V
4000W High Power Electronic Volt Regulator Speed Controller Motor AC 220V
AC PIR Sensor
AC PIR Sensor
HC-06 Bluetooth Module
HC-06 Bluetooth Module
RFID Mifare RC522 Card Reader & Writer Module  with Mifare Card & Keychain Tag
RFID Mifare RC522 Card Reader & Writer Module with Mifare Card & Keychain Tag
Proximity Induction Sensor LM8-3002NA
Proximity Induction Sensor LM8-3002NA
PIR Motion Sensor Module HC-SR501
PIR Motion Sensor Module HC-SR501
Proximity Sensor Normally Closed IR Infrared Switch E18-D80PK up to 80cm
Proximity Sensor Normally Closed IR Infrared Switch E18-D80PK up to 80cm
GSM & GPS SIM808 Module with SMA Antenna
GSM & GPS SIM808 Module with SMA Antenna
GSM SIM900A Module (5V) with TTL & RS232 Interface 2
GSM SIM900A Module (5V) with TTL & RS232 Interface 2
Ultrasonic Range Detector HY-SRF05
Ultrasonic Range Detector HY-SRF05
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04
XL4015 Stepdown (Peak 5A) with Display
XL4015 Stepdown (Peak 5A) with Display
LM2596 DC Stepdown with LED Display
LM2596 DC Stepdown with LED Display
LM2596 DC Step Down Converter
LM2596 DC Step Down Converter
XL6009 DC Converter
XL6009 DC Converter
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